Efforts to protect Cumbria’s iconic red squirrels are gathering pace thanks to a ground-breaking initiative from the Cumberland Building Society.
Cumbria Wildlife Trust
Cumbria Wildlife Trust is the only voluntary organisation devoted solely to the conservation of the wildlife and wild places of Cumbria. The Trust stands up for wildlife, creates wildlife havens, and seeks to raise environmental awareness.
Formed in 1962 and supported by thousands of members and supporters, the Trust cares for 40 nature reserves, campaigns for the protection of endangered habitats and species such as limestone pavements and red squirrels, and works with adults and children to discover the importance of the natural world.
The Cumberland donated £25,000 this year as part of our partnership with Cumbria Wildlife Trust, the donation is funding conservation work to protect endangered reds, helping to employ a red squirrel ranger, Joshua Adams, who is working to monitor and protect reds in their Lakeland heartland between Grasmere and Grizedale.
There are promising signs that his hard work is paying off with a significant uptick in red squirrel sightings.